If you have a problem going around in circles in your head and can’t find

a solution to it. Press the chat button and let me help. Our service is 

FREE and you can chat message me at the bottom of the page. Your 

problem can be published in our flip help magazine, which can aide in

helping others. Also so you can read it again to refresh your memory. 

You will always remain anonymous.

I am a accredited registered counselor with ACCPH.

I have qualifications in social work and management, advanced psychology,

learning difficulties and special needs. As well as sociology and career counseling.


Wheather  you have a huge problem that’s been weighing you down and your

feeling anxious or depressed or you just feel a bit lonely or isolated and

just need a natter. Just press the chat button.


The service is FREE but I have a PayPal button for any donations

as a donation is always very welcome.



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Have a problem?

Or just need a Natter?

We can help


Donations always welcome, donations button at the top of the page

Thank You

Send us a message and contribute to our flip magazine anonymously

We can help

Check out previous issues here